TCompress Component Set V1.5 File and Database Compression Components for Delphi Copyright (c) 1995 Peter Hyde, South Pacific Information Services Ltd Fax: +64-3-384-5138 Email: These components are fully functional SHAREWARE. >>>>> If you ordered the registered version of TCompress, see REGINFO.TXT You are encouraged to pass them on, upload them to BBS, Web and ftp sites and generally spread them around as much as you can -- but please keep all the files together! If you find TCompress useful, registration will get you the latest version, many more source code examples, a personal ID to eliminate the occasional reminder message, and a nice warm fuzzy feeling. Registration details are at the end of this file. ===== PLEASE SEE COMPRESS.HLP FOR MUCH MORE INFORMATION ===== 1. Key features: * Multi-file compressed archives * Database BLOB (memo, image) compression * In-memory compression using streams (file/memory/blob<-->file/memory/blob) * Event hooks for customizable user interaction * Built-in RLE (Run-Length Encoding) and LZH (Lempel-Ziv-Huffman) compression * Custom compression routines can be easily added 2. Installation: >>>>> Please review HISTORY.TXT before installation. Quick Start (for people in a hurry): * Install COMPRESS.DCU and COMPCTRL.DCU * Load the COMPDEMO project, compile and run it * Examine COMPMAIN.PAS for numerous examples of how to use the compression components Full Installation Instructions (for careful people): * BACKUP your \DELPHI\BIN\COMPLIB.DCL file * Also BACKUP the \DELPHI\DEMOS\DATA\BIOLIFE.* files, as this database is used by COMPDEMO to show off blob compression * Put COMPRESS.DCU/.DCR and COMPCTRL.DCU/.DCR in a directory on Delphi's Component Library Search path (see Options|Environment|Library if you want to alter this path) * Select Options|Install Components, then click Add and type COMPRESS. Click Add again and type COMPCTRL. Click OK. * All being well, a rebuild will take place and a new Compress tab will appear on your component palette. This contains the Compress, CDBMemo (Compressed Database Memo) and CDBImage (Compressed Database Image) components. * Ensure the DBDEMOS alias is pointing to the directory containing the BIOLIFE database * Load the COMPDEMO project and run it. Note: TCompress and its companions provide very comprehensive data compression capabilities. Most developers might only need to drop TCompress on a form and call its ExpandFile/CompressFile methods in order to create and work with their own multi-file archives... Others might drop CDBMemo/CDBImage components on as well and simply interact with them to have text and picture data automatically compressed when it is stored in a database. And some developers might use the TCBlobfield class to store all kinds of data (sound, numbers, video etc) directly into compressed database blobs. 3. Installing Help (for integrated help while running Delphi): * Put COMPRESS.HLP in \DELPHI\BIN, and COMPRESS.KWF file in \DELPHI\HELP. * Run \DELPHI\HELP\HELPINST, and select FILE|OPEN|\DELPHI\BIN\DELPHI.HDX. * Click the + icon and select COMPRESS.KWF. * Select File|Save to write the updated DELPHI.HDX file, then exit. * You should now be able to access TCompress help from within Delphi, e.g. by pressing F1 while the cursor is in the RegName property or OnCheckFile event. 4. File list: COMPRESS.DCU TCompress component COMPRESS.DCR Component palette icon for TCompress COMPCTRL.DCU TCDBImage, TCDBMemo and TCBlobField components COMPCTRL.DCR Component palette icons for the above COMPRESS.HLP Complete help file for TCompress component set COMPRESS.KWF Keyword file to integrate into Delphi's help COMPDEMO.DPR TCompress demonstration project file COMPMAIN.PAS Main source file for the above (many examples here!) COMPMAIN.DFM Main form for the above HISTORY.TXT Vital information for those with TCompress v1.0 README.TXT This file 5. Synopsis (for Web/BBS listings etc): Filename: COMPRESS.ZIP (File date: 12-Sept-95 Time: 1:50) 1 line description: TCompress File and Database Compression Components for Delphi v1.5 Uploader name & email: Peter Hyde, Surface address: SPIS Ltd PO Box 19-760, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND Special requirements: Delphi Shareware payment required from private users: $US 45, UKL 30 or $NZ 70 Source included: No (Compress component source available separately to registered users) Size zipped / original (in Kb): 74 / 210 10 line description: TCompress provides easy-to-use support for multi-file compressed archives, as well as a wide range of database/file/in-memory compression capabilities using Delphi streams. Two compression methods (RLE and LZH) are built in, with "hooks" for the easy addition of custom compression formats. TCompress also includes drop 'n play components for automatic database blob, image and memo compression, based on Delphi's TDBMemo and TDBImage components. Images compress by up to 98% when using LZH, hence there is a massive saving in disk space and disk or network access when using these components. TCompress comes with an extensive demonstration (which includes many source examples) and Delphi-compatible help and keyword files. 6. Registration Full registration information is in COMPRESS.HLP. When you register, you will receive an updated version (if any), many more source examples to help your projects along, and the source of a TCompress-compatible LZW compression routine (requires Unisys license for use in your application). On registration, you can optionally also obtain the source code of the Compress component (COMPRESS.DCU). Please specify when ordering if you also want this. Registration is available via a number of channels: *** Directly to SPIS Ltd (New Zealand) Registration: $NZ 70 Optional compress source (add): $NZ 55 Payments may be made by check, Mastercard or Visa (please specify card number, expiry date, and name of holder). Registered versions will be sent by email where possible, otherwise by airmailed disk. Contact: SPIS Ltd, PO Box 19-760, Christchurch, New Zealand Fax: +64-3-384-5138 Email: *** Via our Web page at Registration: $US 45 Optional compress source (add): $US 35 Visit the page and follow the instructions to register. If you have any problems, email *** Via our US distributor Registration: $US 45 Optional compress source (add): $US 35 Payments may be made by check, Mastercard or Visa (please specify card number, expiry date, and name of holder). Contact: Martha Moore, Delphi Shareware, 3439 Moorland Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95407 Fax: 707-586-1183 Email: *** Via our UK distributor Registration: UKL 30 Optional compress source (add): UKL 25 UK currency payments may be made by cheque or money order only. Credit card payments in New Zealand currency can be made by contacting SPIS Ltd directly (see above). Contact: Rafe Aldridge, 89 Sharland Close, Grove, Oxon, OX12 0AF Fax/Tel: +44-1235-769-781 Email: